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Your Go-To Office Furniture Checklist For The Best Results

Your Go-To Office Furniture Checklist For The Best Results

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The way in which you set up your office plays a critical role in the overall performance. Many business owners forget to focus on all the recommended office essentials. Whereas they spend too much time on aesthetics and not enough on workflow. People may view some things as unnecessary, like office storage. ‘We can just add cabinets and shelves down the track…’ But, storage is a vital part of your workstation and directly links to your business’s growth. That’s why we have built an office furniture checklist for you!

When Going Over Your Office Furniture Checklist, Ask Yourself:
  • Does it match the look of my office and the brand personality?
  • Is it ergonomically designed? Can it be adjusted to suit the individual person?
  • Is it designed with the employee health in mind?
  • Is it covered by an extensive warranty?

But your office is more than just your furniture.

First, understand the opportunities and limitations with your space. Are there ways to keep costs low, without affecting the productivity of your employees? Consider how much room you need for business growth.

office furniture checklist

Decide what office equipment you’ll need to operate efficiently and add it to your office furniture checklist for results. The checklist should include things like computers, monitors, telephones, lighting, software, printers, scanners, paper shredders, office file cabinets, storage, stationary, and multimedia devices. Think about space-saving options like all-in-one options that print, copy and scan that also reduce costs.

How will you create each office workstation? Keep your employees at the forefront of your mind, so you can accommodate their needs. Are there separate rooms to allow for essential work modes like focus and socialising? Are there space limitations that will affect the number and type of office desks you use? The layout of your workstations will also depend on access to power. Each area might not have internet and phone access points, but don’t let this stop you from achieving an efficient design. The last thing you want to do is put your team in a corner with no natural light or ambience.

Consider windows for lighting, but be careful of that afternoon glare. Will you team be able to easily walk to the bathroom and kitchen? Is it near the printer? Storage and filing is an important point that can’t be forgotten. Shelving and filing systems can be a lifesaver if you’re working in a small space. You want to avoid clutter, so the office looks bigger.

Office Furniture Checklist For More Space!

You don’t necessarily need to have a bigger office. It’s about adopting creative ways to make use of the space you do have. Taking a minimalist approach to your office design is one way. Your office storage is important in helping maintain an efficient, productive office.

Add storage options to help reduce clutter and free up space. No more searching for files and documents. With storage, you can theme areas so you know exactly where to look. We have a wide range of storage options including filing cabinets, cupboards, office drawers, mobile pedestals for personal items, office lockers, and change rooms.

It’s easy to keep your office organised with an office furniture checklist. Our office essentials include custom made storage to add more space to your office.

File that worry away.

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